Welcome to Organic Control System!

We are pleased to inform you that after more than two years of intensive trainings and support provided by the German Organization for International Cooperation (GIZ), Program for Private Sector Development in Serbia (ACCESS), Organic Control System from Subotica was officially listed by the European Commission on 21 June 2013.

It is now on the list of control bodies whose activities in the process of control and certification of organic production are equivalent to the EU.

Since 2003, Organic Control System is engaged in the certification of organic products and nowadays there are 155 producers of organic products in our control system, of which many export to the demanding EU market. After years of persistent efforts, constant staff training and successful cooperation with famous European control bodies, Organic Control System (OCS) has managed to establish a system of control and certification, which is officially recognized by the European Commission. The successful accreditation for OCS was issued by the Serbian accreditation body ATS (http://www.registar.ats.rs/predmet/776/) which used a mixed team of Serbian and German evaluators for this purpose, amongst them Jutta Krawinkel and Jochen Neuendorff from Germany.
ATS is a MLA signatory since 2012 (http://www.ats.rs/en).
Previously, producers of organic products from Serbia had to use certification services abroad. Now for the first time in Serbia, domestic producers can be certified according to the EU regulations (EC Reg. 834/2007) by the local control organization - Organic Control System, which will significantly improve the economic efficiency of organic production and thereby increase the competitiveness of Serbian organic products in the EU market. With this tremendous success, the sector of organic agriculture in Serbia has shown that it can respond to the demanding EU requirements.

Nowadays OCS has approval by European Commission for Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Macedonia.

OCS code number is RS-BIO-162 for Serbia, ME-BIO-162 for Montenegro, BA-BIO-162 for Bosnia and Herzegovina and MK-BIO-162 for Macedonia.

OCS is also included in the official list of recognized certification bodies in Switzerland.

Beside inspection and certification of organic products, Organic Control System is providing services of certification products with geographical indication, as well as inspection and certification according to NOP, JAS and Donau soja standard www.donausoja.org . OCS is also authorized to provide inspections according to KRAV extra requirements www.krav.se and BIO SUISSE private standard www.icbag.ch

OCS is member of EOCC (European Organic Certifiers Council) and IFOAM (International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements).